2 hours £222
(in person or on-line)
would you like to feel more vibrant, energised and balanced?​
are you dealing with issues and receiving treatment and want to support this naturally too?
do you want a healthier diet, lifestyle, routine?
are you at a crossroads in life and don't know which way to go?
do you have digestive issues that don't respond to treatment?
do you need targeted supplementation within your diagnosed issue to support improved health but don't know what?
are you not feeling better when diagnosed and receiving treatment?
have you thought something else is needed but you don't know what?
are you wondering if Geopathic Stress is affecting your health?
have you choices and not sure which path to take?
What dowsing does is reveal what you need, for your highest health and wellbeing. The skill of the dowser is in asking the right questions and, being unaffected by outside energetic influences whilst doing so.
I see myself as a detective, 30 years experience and as an Advanced Dowser I need to find out:
what is going on,
what best suits you as a unique individual now,
what do you need to do or take to get you from where you are to where you wish to be?
health-wise physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually has something else been missed that you need to know and act upon?