Simply, Alchemy Crystal Bowls
Crystals in shamanic speak are called the Ancient rock people. It is humbling to think that some rocks have literally dropped into Earth from the stars and are from other worlds, are part of other worlds and I have some Alchemy Crystal Bowls comprised of such matter. As I hold them it really places me in awe of the Universe and all the wonders we do not and will never know of.
An Alchemy Crystal Bowl session for animals can work in one of two ways: you can leave your much loved pet with me and I do the session or, you stay and your pet and you receive. Your energy affects them and they affect you so you both will benefit and need de-stressing. It is whatever you feel comfortable doing. I have an assistant so if need be I have help with your pet as I play the bowls and they become more and more comfortable until they settle on the cushion/bed and gain all the beneficial elements from their session.
I have a very brief first few minutes of a session with our dog Millie below. Millie is now 18 and has been diagnosed with a Mast Cell Tumour for 15 months now. Apart from being able to see a swelling on her left shoulder, Millie is full of beans, whizzes around, runs, as if it wasn't there. Just as with all living beings, sick animals benefit from peace, calm and the releasing of happy hormones as I call then just as humans do. Their carers who get stressed with worry and concern looking after them need help too as your pet feels what you feel. This really is a beautiful therapy for our much loved pets in times of challenge.
To explain more of the bowls and sound therapy, the Alchemy Crystal Bowls are composites, the purest 99.999% pure Quartz Crystal mixed with precious gems for example Ruby, Amethyst, Diamond and/or precious metals 24crt gold, platinum etc and or rare crystals, earths or metals added in the creation process.
Crystals are fossilised water, formed when water combines with an element under certain conditions of pressure, temperature and energy. As a crystal, the element is able to express itself as a more unified and ordered being. Silica sand, combined with water becomes quartz crystal. Quartz crystals have many physical properties to: amplify, transform, store, focus and transfer energy.
We benefit from this in daily life with microphones, radio and television equipment, clocks, watches, laser tools, mobile phones, tablets, computers to name just a few.
One should never underestimate what crystals can achieve because our daily existence would be very very different without them.
Our bodies are crystalline too. In structure. When working with crystals, there may be profound effects on the organs, tissues, cells as well as the circulatory, endocrine and metabolic systems.
When you combine working with the Alchemy Crystal Bowls, and add in our thoughts as in our or rather my, focus and intentions, I am creating new energy forms. When thought energy interacts with a crystal, those thoughts are changed to more harmonic forms which change brainwave frequencies, showing possible alterations in consciousness.
When an organ or body part is healthy, it creates a natural resonant frequency in harmony with the rest of the body. When the vibration of a part of the body is out of harmony, we have dis-ease. With dis-ease, a different sound pattern is established in the affected part of the body. When sound is projected into the dis-eased area, correct harmonic patterns are restored.
Did you know that although to all outwards appearances music, healing sound may seem to be over as soon as the last chord or note has sounded. This is not the case. Not at all. The sound has 'created' on the subtle plain and the musical vibrations never being lost even though they are dispersed, will however go on vibrating through the cosmos for eternity. This is because subtle effects of sound linger after the audible sound has died out which is a long lasting effect.
Alchemy Crystal bowls are powerful tools in effecting change in one's life.
The actual having of a session is just beautiful. It is way more than just 'bowls'.
I have an extensive collection of Alchemy Crystal Bowls to work with and of course you benefit too as you and your animal family member are in the session together.

The Sound of Healing is Love